You are invited to join us for ‘Let’s Explore’…Creating Textile Works in 3D to be held on 3 July 10am-3pm.
‘Let’s Explore‘ days are opportunities for us to play and learn from each other. No one person is “the teacher”. The main idea is to have the opportunity to spend time with like-minded people doing the “arty textile things” we all enjoy! Please feel free to bring whatever you want to work on if you don’t want to play around with the advertised theme for the day.
Let’s Explore…Image Transfers – A small but enthusiastic group met on 22 May to experiment with transferring images from laser and inkjet photocopies, newspapers and magazines, using various methods with mediums, glues and acetone. Thanks so much to Ljilja, Sue and Ursula for sharing your techniques.
Let’s Explore…Monoprinting – On 5 June an enthusiastic group experimented with monoprinting on fabric and paper using gelatine plates, silicon mats, plastic mats and plexiglass. There was much enjoyment, some lessons learnt and fabulous results. Thanks to Deb for showing the group her techniques.