Stitching and Beyond Inc.

exploring textile boundaries

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Let’s Explore – Mounting and Hanging Your Artworks

Our next “Let’s Explore” day is scheduled for Sunday, July 7th. During the day we will focus on sharing tips and tricks on how to make our work look really professional once it is hanging. 

You can find more information including the materials list here.

Let’s Explore days are held at the Kingborough Women’s Clubrooms, Kingston Beach, from 10am – 3pm. You are always welcome to work on your own project at our Let’s Explore gatherings or try new techniques and materials with the group.

Let’s Explore images for the May Let’s Explore Day on Gelli Printing are here.

For those not familiar with our Explore Days, details are available here. (This page also contains a handy list of dates for the year).

NOTE: KWC membership fee of $40 now due