Stitching and Beyond Inc.

exploring textile boundaries

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Gatherings – Let’s Explore

In 2023 we will be holding regular “Let’s Explore” days at the Kingborough Women’s Clubrooms, Kingston Beach, 10am – 3pm.

Our Let’s Explore days are just that…a day for members to play, explore and learn from each other. No one person is “the teacher”. The main idea is to have the opportunity to spend time with like-minded people doing “the arty textile things” we all enjoy!

Rather than paying a fee of $15 each month to attend our Let’s Explore gatherings, Stitching and Beyond members who also become financial members of Kingborough Women’s Club (KWC) are now able to enjoy any or all of our Let’s Explore Sundays at no additional cost. Check here for details on how to join.

Our first Let’s Explore day for 2023 will be held Sunday 15 January, where we will explore gelli printing. In March we plan to explore collage and stitch using a repurposed children’s book inspired by this YouTube. So this is the ideal opportunity to work towards the stitch book by creating gelli-printed collage papers for the backgrounds.

However you are always welcome to work on your own project at our Let’s Explore gatherings.


Those of you who plan to attend Sunday Let’s Explore gatherings, don’t forget to pay your pro rata subscription of $20 to KWC; your fee for attending six months of these most enjoyable Sundays.

Details and forms were emailed to members on 21 December 2022 or you can find them here.