Let’s Explore days are held at the Kingborough Women’s Clubrooms, Kingston Beach, from 10am – 3pm.
You are always welcome to work on your own project at our Let’s Explore gatherings, or try new techniques and materials with the group.
Our next Let’s Explore day for 2023, to be held Sunday 17 September, will be a social stitch day.
Come along to enjoy the company, ideas and discoveries of like minded textile tragics and maybe continue on your own projects at the Kingborough Women’s Club in Kingston.
Regular aficionados of Let’s Explore will want to know about two changes your organisers have made to the programme for the remainder of 2023:
– The date of the December Let’s Explore day has been brought forward to Sunday December 3; and
– The November and December activities have been switched, so November 19 is now a Social Stitch Day and on December 3 we will be making print blocks and stencils.
We encourage SandB people to join KWC (a mere $40 p.a.) as there are many other benefits to be had. As of December, the regular meeting day will move to the first Sunday of each month. Use the Contact Us form if you would like to know more.