Stitching and Beyond Inc.

exploring textile boundaries

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Out of Hand Exhibition and Lightbox Display

Lightbox Entries due 21st August

Birds for the Lightbox are due by Monday 21 st August. They can be handed in at the Monthly meeting on Monday 21st August. If you have some but can’t get to the meeting then we can arrange for them to be collected by someone. Please contact or phone/text Karen on 0408123124.

The Lightbox display can be seen from Saturday 9 September to Monday 2 October at Salamanca Arts Centre, Hobart.

Out of Hand Exhibition Entry Form Now Open

Registration of entries for the Out of Hand Exhibition can now be made online on the Stitching and Beyond website. Entry into the Biennial Out of Hand exhibition is open to all financial member of Stitching and Beyond. We encourage everyone to submit at least one piece of work. It is a wonderful opportunity. The terms of conditions of entry can be found on Stitching and Beyond website.

You may enter up to five (5) pieces of work. If space becomes a problem and there are too many entries then the curator will make the final decision about which pieces will be displayed. Everyone will have at least one of their entries displayed if space becomes a problem.

All entries must have been completed in the last two years and must be original handmade textile work. Textiles include fabric, paper, thread, wool, fibre, leather.

All of your entries are to be submitted on the one entry form. If a titled work consists of multiple individual parts and is being submitted for sale, then it must be sold as a single item. (Individual parts will not be sold separately).

Submission of entries will close at 5pm Friday 1st September 2023. If you are unable to complete online registration or need assistance, please contact We are very happy to help you fill in and submit the form. There is no fee for entry, however, a 10% commission will be taken for any sold work. When pricing your works please take this into consideration.

To avoid duplicate entries, each member can only submit the registration form once. Fill out the form with your personal details and then add the details of ALL of the pieces (up to 5) that you are entering on that ONE FORM.

Important dates to keep in mind:
Monday 21st August- Delivery of Lightbox pieces to Karen Stack at the August meeting
Friday 1st September- Closing date for OoH exhibition entry forms
Saturday 9 th Sept to Sunday 2nd Oct- Lightbox Display

Wednesday 20th Sept- Exhibition entries delivered to Long Gallery 10am to 12 noon
Thursday 21st Sept, 6pm -Official Opening of OoH
Friday 22nd Sept to Monday 2nd Oct- OoH exhibition
Monday 2 nd Oct- Collection of entries from Long Gallery 3pm to 5pm.