An enthusiastic group of Northern members assembled Monday 19 August after a month away from the studio space. The clattering of sewing machine cases being opened heralded the topic for the day!
We are so fortunate to have internationally recognised quilter and piecer Lynne Hargreaves as a member of our Northern Group. Lynne has a wealth of experience creating with textiles, and had offered to lead the group in a mini workshop to create using “wash away” stabliser fabrics.
Three types were demonstrated and used in conjunction with machine stitching, allowing those present to create confetti fabric (see sample above), a free standing vessel using wool roving, small objects and additional textile pieces, and lastly, reinforced motifs which could be further stitched, moulded, embellished and incorporated into 3D structures if desired. Members can now add these techniques to their art practice with some confidence.
We had a great day and many thanks to Lynne!
Check out the August Gathering gallery to see other images from the day.
We have four Northern members who have been out and about during August – September. Please check out their individual pages on Instagram. More coming next month too!

Jan Charlton and Marilyn Thiesel opened Wednesday 11 September at the AMC Space in the Utas Alumni exhibition.

Lynne Hargreaves just finished at Island Quilts, Hobart and is now at Government House.

Mignon Mitchell opened Saturday 21 September at Raincoat Contemporary Art Space in Centreway Arcade.
At the moment, the Northern Group is FULL – no more room in the shed! We are aware of potential members so if you feel you could start up another group, please have a chat to Chris Hussey. It’s easy and we can help.