Stitching and Beyond’s popular annual Challenge is on again! The theme for 2023 is ‘Under the Microscope’ so it’s time to get your thinking caps on….
We invite members to register up to 5 textile pieces in 2-dimensional, A3 format.
Full entry guidelines and registration form are available now in the members area. Registrations close Friday 18 August with work to be delivered by Monday 21 August. Check the link for details.
Here are some ideas for interpretation of this wonderful concept:
- Meaning: being subjected to critical examination or analysis (Oxford Dictionary);
- Tiny worlds of microscopic organisms;
- Patterns in nature (slices of ferns, tree rings, sea creatures, raindrops, tidal movements);
- Plant/fungi cells and spores;
- Bacteria, virus or crystals in petri dishes;
- A moment in time; a split-second of life.
We look forward to seeing your creations evolve. Happy stitching!