We are pleased to announce Stitching and Beyond’s travelling Challenge exhibition, ‘Threads of Life’. The 22 entries will tour regional libraries and galleries around Tasmania.
Please get along to your local exhibition site to view our members’ work. Visitors to our Challenge exhibitions always enjoy the display, and this year’s event will be no exception. Entry is free.
Start: February 1 2023 @ 9:30 AM End: October 31 2023 @ 5:30 PM
Thanks to our Challenge Volunteers
Thanks to Janet, Jane, Lynne, Phyllis, June, Pamela, Rowena and Steph, our northern members who are organising the tour of the 2022 Challenge, Threads of Life, in Ulverstone, Burnie, Launceston and Georgetown. The tour dates can be found on our website under Events/Exhibitions.
Without your help we could not showcase our members’ works. Volunteers are so important, and we value your time and generosity.